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Fresh Breeze

Oil - Aromafume Chakra 5 10ml

Oil - Aromafume Chakra 5 10ml

Regular price R 70.00 ZAR
Regular price Sale price R 70.00 ZAR
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The 7 Chakras (Root-Muladhara, Sacral- Swadhistana, Solar Plexus- Manipura, Heart - Anahata, Throat - Vishuddha, Third eye- Ajna, and Crown- Sahasrara) are the energy points in your body. For our bodies to function optimally, all 7 chakras need to be balanced facilitating a smooth flow of energy within the body. Stagnation of this energy flow due to blockages causes various physical and spiritual ailments.

Aromafume oil blends are produced by a family owned company making fragrances for five generations. 100% vegan and sourced responsibly. Enjoy Aromafume and experience fantastic aromas.


Assists with balancing and realigning Facilitales the absorption of Life Force. Energies the Body and Soul. Brings vitality and energy to one's Life.

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